A european monarchy
Crossword Clue and Answers

Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "A european monarchy", we have 8 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.

We classify A european monarchy to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.

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Crossword Answers

5 letters

SPAIN Surinder Sobti
A parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power

6 letters

NORWAY Surinder Sobti

MONACO Surinder Sobti
A constitutional monarchy in a tiny enclave on the French Riviera

NORWAY Surinder Sobti
A constitutional monarchy in northern Europe on the western side of the Scandinavian Peninsula; achieved independence from Sweden in 1905

7 letters

DENMARK Surinder Sobti

BELGIUM Surinder Sobti

DENMARK Surinder Sobti
A constitutional monarchy in northern Europe; consists of the mainland of Jutland and many islands between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

BELGIUM Surinder Sobti
A monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Contributor Photo - Surinder SobtiSurinder Sobti