Recently added crosswords
A pause in work
Final definitive statement
Social behaviors
Then and there
An attack by bombing aircraft
Type of religious song
A discharge of artillery
Landlocked country of SE Asia
Go out of existence
A repeated decorative design
Leavy hurriedly
A bond of kinship
A song to a ladylove
A Muslim male hair dress
The Russian government
Homer's trojon war poem
To grant as appropriate
Deep-seated enmity
To hoax
Battle near athens 490bc
Rampage in frenzy
A pale yellow
Artificially produced sleep
Give gentle reminder
To free from a wrong idea
Be unique
A reciprocal exchange
Thick cotton ribbed fabric
Surrender on stated terms
Discourse on moral terms
A functionary
Company of desert travelers
Title of iran's former monarch
Money in use in a country
Refueling break in car race
Pry in sneaking manner
Indispensable elements
Be markedly better than
Lessen reputation of
Countyry formerly slam
Us indepence day
Deeply ingrained tendency
Contend with rasoning
Breaking of an oath
State of west india
Crudely built shack
Emblem of a clan
With in reach
Set one's course toward
Rowing race crew
Small concrete blockhouse
Initial freshness and vigour
Fragrant colorful flower
Bulbous flowering plants
Doomed person or thing
Equally shared
Lacking social grace
Putting it briefly
Enemy within the walls
Done for fun
A starter
Chief commodity
Begin attack against
Share equally with another
Forceful stream of liquid
To target precisely
An exciting adventure
A pale purple
Great river of pakistan
A satirical attack
Greek philosopher/scientist
Absurdly poor imitation
To deck
To snub(a person)
Of tailored clothes
In downtrodden manner
Free from living germ
Flavoring used in liqueurs
Seed of apple etc.
Dash away suddenly
Vital component part
Restore to friendship
Write of malicious letters
With precedent
The status of celebrity
Oversee publication
Willful criminal burning
Accommodate and put away
Continue unchanged
Local variety of language
Mere dispaly
Wholescale slaughter
High-pressure way of life
Suggest in casual way
Unprepared for a surprise
Statesmanlike foresight
To overcome