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A written competition Very tiresome person Egyptian picture-writing Uncomplaining stoicism An analgesic drug A menacing look Trite question Unfounded notions Heavily built and strong Pointed piece of metal Became bankrupt An acknowledgment Extreme right-wing movement Person living near another Detect true nature of Projecting upper-story window Project upper-story window Manager of opera company English composer (1874-1934) Horny part of horse's foot Unfeeling person A medium Naval battle, 1805 Push toward doggedly Hurl an object Exhausted of vitality Cretan-born Spanish actor Head directly Very deeply involved Punctilious behavior Temporary calm in storm Precariously poised Place of duty Hold closely In uncontrollable frenzy Be source of annoyance In torrents Benevolent concern Swollow up Fabricated and unbelievable Letter denoting first grade To construct Early problems in new project Person's entire stock of cloths Systematic study of religion State in swiss confedration Embarrassed out of shame Engage in political scheming Obsessive self-regard CHEAP AND GAUDRY An accompanying guard A gecko of se Asia To exploit Track made by wheel Naively enthusiatstic Large harp-shaped piano To safeguard Stare in a foolish manner Premonitorily Electronic navigational aid Solemnly dull Ropemaking fibre Be unequivocal Feel embarrassment Be on congenial terms Beyond hearing range A tree-born fruit Be in financial difficulty A particular language Alfred Hitchcock explosive State with king or queen For unlimited period On even terms Keenly expectant Unexpected disadvantage Small piece of meal To misuse Narrow connecting neck of land Autocratic rule Relentlessly competitive struggle Introductory remarks in book Allowable imaginative latitude Surgically sterile Helpful charitable person Having spicy taste Hungarian composer-pianist A tramp Flower emblem of Wales Unwanted wild plants Gaseous hydrocarbon used for fuel Plant emblem of Ireland A neckties A dried-leaf drink Polynesian islands group Bring into contempt Flourish threateningly Filming away from studios An addictive drug Prevent in adavnce Binding power