Recently added crosswords
Chain of consequences
Strain in relationship
Characteristic mannerisms
Dense crowd
Choose carefully
Weaken resistance of
Way of approaching
Put lower price on
Done just in time
State of hostilities
Australian aboriginal trumpet
Undergo instruction
Course leading nowhere
1920-1930's design style
Brief suspension of activity
Extending across
Queen of egypt47-30BC
Manner of functioning
Stir oneself
Have increasing success
Liberty to act as will
Pleasurable thrill
Aware of what's going on
A sculptor's tool
Indisposition to change
Child's companion in game
Reparations of wrong
The innermost shrine
High state of readiness
Yearning with little hope
Goodbye till we meet again
Country's central point
Fight successfully
Force covering a retreat
Decisive fact
Outside the range of
Fatal setback
Fatel setback
Vast grassy treeless plain
To slink
Falsify the accounts
Unduly vigorous in growth
Name check on attendance
Largest valved brass instrument
Helpful piece of evidence
A best-ever performance
Straw bedding for animals
Words to cloak deception
1940s style of jazz
Breach of social convention
Place for sleeping bird
Polynesian group of islands
Dilapated old car
Disregard an order
Good-natured joking
Not long before
A devoted assistant
Instructions for a task
Certify validity of
General survery
Very pleasurable occasion
Avoid meeting
Coerce hurriedly
American seafood soup or stew
Shock and great disappointment
When tested
A very close contest
Expose true character of
Texas oil industry center
Natural bodily height
Elevate morally
Hoist beams audibly
Each year, Rose loses nothing - analyse that
Hard work with an advertising catchphrase
Diminishing from a bat in Gloucestershire
More hazardous starting race with one sportsperson
Access to hospital, everyone gets to lobby
Channel from top of ditch with water
Orchid found by Prince Charming
Combination of mixture to fill
One hoarding last of lucre makes game bird
Flimsy vessel in dirty dwelling
Meissen shattered, that's retribution
Painters return with fabric for wardrobe
HRH in office, holding animal
Listen to Kenneth, listen
About to die out, as dodo threat
Oz wild cat?
Student with cuts in trouble, needing medicine
Succulent drink containing oxygen
Landlady runs around for everybody
Small lorry
Russian poet, killed in a duel
Withdraw to subordinate position
An unpaid player
A straw hat
Say irritably
An intimate view
A proof of purchase