Crossword Clue and Answers
Looking for answers to the "Blue-blooded" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 10 crossword solutions for Blue-blooded.
We most recently saw this clue in The Guardian Quick.
We deem Blue-blooded to be a UNCOMMON crossword clue as we have not seen it regularly in many crossword publications.
If you have a moment we'd love for you to join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.
- The Guardian Quick - Friday, 13 Sep 2019
- The New York Times Crossword - Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Crossword Answers
4 letters
Any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue; "the Union army was a vast blue"
5 letters
A titled peer of the realm
Selected as the best; "an elect circle of artists"; "elite colleges"
6 letters
Stroke soothingly
8 letters
Of good or upper-class lineage; "a rich and wellborn husband"
9 letters
A member of the aristocracy
12 letters
Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy; "an aristocratic family"; "aristocratic Bostonians"; "aristocratic government"; "a blue family"; "blue blood"; "the blue-blooded aristocracy"; "of gentle blood"; "patrician landholders of the American South"; "aristocratic bearing"; "aristocratic features"; "patrician tastes"
14 letters
Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy; "an aristocratic family"; "aristocratic Bostonians"; "aristocratic government"; "a blue family"; "blue blood"; "the blue-blooded aristocracy"; "of gentle blood"; "patrician landholders of the American South"; "aristocratic bearing"; "aristocratic features"; "patrician tastes"