Call out
Crossword Clue and Answers

Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "Call out", we have 8 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.

We classify Call out to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.

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Crossword Answers

3 letters

A loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate); "a cry of rage"; "a yell of pain"

4 letters

A loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate); "a cry of rage"; "a yell of pain"

5 letters

A loud utterance; often in protest or opposition; "the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience"

6 letters

A loud utterance; often in protest or opposition; "the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience"

Utter a sudden loud cry; "she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle"; "I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me"

Utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"

7 letters

Utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy; "`I won!' he exclaimed"; "`Help!' she cried"; "`I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost"

9 letters

Electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds; "I talked to him on the telephone"