Crossword Clue and Answers

Today we have 10 crossword solutions for Calumniate which appeared recently in Irish Independent - Simple.

We have deemed Calumniate as a UNCOMMON crossword clue as we have not seen it regularly in many crossword publications.

The most recent answer we found for this clue is "TRADUCE".


  • Irish Independent - Simple - Thursday, 1 Apr 2021

Crossword Answers

5 letters

An act that brings discredit to the person who does it; "he made a huge blot on his copybook"

French statesman (1560-1641)

6 letters

An act that brings discredit to the person who does it; "he made a huge blot on his copybook"

Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"

Evil or harmful in nature or influence; "prompted by malign motives"; "believed in witches and malign spirits"; "gave him a malign look"; "a malign lesion"

7 letters

Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"

An abusive attack on a person's character or good name

Speak unfavorably about; "She badmouths her husband everywhere"

8 letters

Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"

9 letters

Charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"