Crossword Clue and Answers
Looking for answers to the "Demeanour" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 14 crossword solutions for Demeanour.
We most recently saw this clue in The Mirror Classic.
We deem Demeanour to be a COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it included in several crossword publications.
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- The Mirror Classic - Sunday, 18 Apr 2021
- The Mirror Classic - Wednesday, 3 Mar 2021
- The Mirror Classic - Friday, 15 Jan 2021
- Irish Independent - Simple - Friday, 18 Dec 2020
- The Mirror Classic - Wednesday, 30 Sep 2020
Crossword Answers
3 letters
Travel via aircraft; "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you've time to spare go by air"
4 letters
A characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"
Dignified manner or conduct
5 letters
6 letters
A kind; "what manner of man are you?"
The elasticity and hardness of a metal object; its ability to absorb considerable energy before cracking
7 letters
A rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
Manner of acting or controlling yourself
8 letters
(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
(psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
A theatrical pose created for effect; "the actor struck just the right attitude"
9 letters
(psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
10 letters
(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people