East african country
Crossword Clue and Answers
Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "East african country", we have 9 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.
This clue in was most recently seen in the wild in The Guardian Quick.
We classify East african country to be a COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it included in several crossword publications.
Hopefully we have helped you solve East african country, if you have a moment we'd love to see you join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.
- The Guardian Quick - Friday, 12 Feb 2021
- The Guardian Speedy - Sunday, 15 Mar 2020
- The Guardian Quick - Friday, 9 Nov 2018
Crossword Answers
5 letters
A republic in eastern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1963; major archeological discoveries have been made in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya
A region of northern Africa to the south of the Sahara and Libyan deserts; extends from the Atlantic to the Red Sea
6 letters
A landlocked republic in eastern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1962
A landlocked republic in southern central Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1964
7 letters
An African country to the north of Ethiopia on the Red Sea; achieved independence from Ethiopia in 1993
8 letters
A republic in eastern Africa
Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea; formerly called Abyssinia
Port city on the Gulf of Aden; the capital and largest city of Djibouti