Crossword Clue and Answers
Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "High-minded", we have 17 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.
We classify High-minded to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.
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Crossword Answers
5 letters
Having or displaying great dignity or nobility; "a gallant pageant"; "lofty ships"; "majestic cities"; "proud alpine peaks"
A titled peer of the realm
A piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs
The significance of a story or event; "the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor"
7 letters
Change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting; "sublime iodine"; "some salts sublime when heated"
Conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior; "an ethical lawyer"; "ethical medical practice"; "an ethical problem"; "had no ethical objection to drinking"; "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants"- Omar N. Bradley
Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept"; "a grand purpose"
8 letters
A railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level
Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept"; "a grand purpose"
Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept"; "a grand purpose"
9 letters
10 letters
Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept"; "a grand purpose"
11 letters