In good spirits
Crossword Clue and Answers
Today we have 8 crossword solutions for In good spirits which appeared recently in The Sun Cryptic.
We have deemed In good spirits as a VERY COMMON crossword clue, we've seen it more than 8 times in a variety of crossword publications.
The most recent answer we found for this clue is "CHEERFUL".
- The Sun Cryptic - Tuesday, 15 Jun 2021
- The Mirror Quick - Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021
- The New York Times Mini - Friday, 11 Dec 2020
- The New York Times Mini - Thursday, 26 Nov 2020
- The Guardian Quick - Thursday, 4 Jul 2019
- The Daily Mail Quick - Friday, 24 May 2019
- The Guardian Speedy - Sunday, 24 Mar 2019
Crossword Answers
4 letters
Any of numerous plants of the genus Gladiolus native chiefly to tropical and South Africa having sword-shaped leaves and one-sided spikes of brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers; widely cultivated
5 letters
Well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words"
6 letters
Bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile"
8 letters
Without losing equilibrium; "she took all his criticism in stride"
Being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greeting"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be"
9 letters
11 letters