Crossword Clue and Answers
Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "Inexorable", we have 91 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.
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Crossword Answers
4 letters
Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; "ghastly wounds"; "the grim aftermath of the bombing"; "the grim task of burying the victims"; "a grisly murder"; "gruesome evidence of human sacrifice"; "macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages"; "macabre tortures conceived by madmen"
5 letters
Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect; "an austere expression"; "a stern face"
6 letters
7 letters
Very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem
8 letters
9 letters
10 letters
Stubbornly unyielding; "dogged persistence"; "dour determination"; "the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics"; "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it"- T.S.Eliot; "men tenacious of opinion"
Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind"; "Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him"- W.Churchill; "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency"
Never-ceasing; "the relentless beat of the drums"
Incapable of being placated; "an implacable enemy"
11 letters
Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern demands of parenthood"
Harsh; "the brutal summer sun"; "a brutal winter"
12 letters
Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern demands of parenthood"
Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind"; "Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him"- W.Churchill; "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency"