Large marine mammal
Crossword Clue and Answers
Looking for answers to the "Large marine mammal" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 15 crossword solutions for Large marine mammal.
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Crossword Answers
5 letters
Any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
6 letters
Either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber
Either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber
7 letters
Sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
Sirenian mammal of tropical coastal waters of America; the flat tail is rounded
Any of several large eared seals of the northern Pacific related to fur seals but lacking their valuable coat
8 letters
Large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur
Large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur
Large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals
Large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals