Lay waste
Crossword Clue and Answers

Today we have 25 crossword solutions for Lay waste.

We have deemed Lay waste as a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.

The most recent answer we found for this clue is "RUIN".

Crossword Answers

4 letters

Destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined

The termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

Tear down so as to make flat with the ground; "The building was levelled"

RAID Surinder Sobti
Search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on; "The police raided the crack house"

5 letters

HARRY Surinder Sobti
Make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes

SMASH Surinder Sobti
Humiliate or depress completely; "She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation"; "The death of her son smashed her"

WASTE Surinder Sobti
Useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly; "if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste"; "mindless dissipation of natural resources"

6 letters

RAVAGE Surinder Sobti

SAVAGE Surinder Sobti

DEFEAT Surinder Sobti
The feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals

PESTER Surinder Sobti
Annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"

(usually plural) a destructive action; "the ravages of time"; "the depredations of age and disease"

7 letters

Do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of; "The fire destroyed the house"


RANSACK Surinder Sobti
Search thoroughly; "They combed the area for the missing child"

PLUNDER Surinder Sobti
Goods or money obtained illegally

PILLAGE Surinder Sobti
The act of stealing valuable things from a place; "the plundering of the Parthenon"; "his plundering of the great authors"

CONSUME Surinder Sobti
Engage fully; "The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy"

DESPOIL Surinder Sobti
Destroy and strip of its possession; "The soldiers raped the beautiful country"

8 letters

DEMOLISH Surinder Sobti
Humiliate or depress completely; "She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation"; "The death of her son smashed her"

DESOLATE Surinder Sobti
Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children"

9 letters

Overwhelm or overpower; "He was devastated by his grief when his son died"

DEPREDATE Surinder Sobti

10 letters

WREAKHAVOC Surinder Sobti

16 letters



Contributor Photo - Surinder SobtiSurinder Sobti