Crossword Clue and Answers

Looking for answers to the "Poignant" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 14 crossword solutions for Poignant.

We deem Poignant to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.

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Crossword Answers

3 letters

Experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti

4 letters

A funeral lament sung with loud wailing

5 letters

ACUTE Surinder Sobti

6 letters

MOVING Surinder Sobti

Used of a series of photographs presented so as to create the illusion of motion; "Her ambition was to be in moving pictures or `the movies'"

7 letters

Showing sorrow

EMOTIVE Surinder Sobti

8 letters

HAUNTING Surinder Sobti

Continually recurring to the mind; "haunting memories"; "the cathedral organ and the distant voices have a haunting beauty"- Claudia Cassidy

Agitating a liquid with an implement; "constant stirring prevents it from burning on the bottom of the pan"

The act of putting two things together with no space between them; "at his touch the room filled with lights"

9 letters

(of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise"

Arousing affect; "the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene"; "poignant grief cannot endure forever"; "his gratitude was simple and touching"

12 letters

Causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter"


Contributor Photo - Surinder SobtiSurinder Sobti