Poke fun
Crossword Clue and Answers

Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "Poke fun", we have 11 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.

We classify Poke fun to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.

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Crossword Answers

3 letters

An effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day

Subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"

RUB Surinder Sobti

4 letters

Showing your contempt by derision

5 letters

The act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances; "he ignored their teases"; "his ribbing was gentle but persistent"

Negative criticism

6 letters

Subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"

7 letters

Subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"

Subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"

8 letters

The act of deriding or treating with contempt

10 letters

Someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog"


Contributor Photo - Surinder SobtiSurinder Sobti