Put the kibosh on
Crossword Clue and Answers

Looking for answers to the "Put the kibosh on" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 16 crossword solutions for Put the kibosh on.

We most recently saw this clue in The New York Times Crossword.

We deem Put the kibosh on to be a VERY COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it more than 16 times in a variety of crossword publications.

If you have a moment we'd love for you to join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.


  • The New York Times Crossword - Tuesday, 8 Dec 2020
  • The New York Times Crossword - Friday, 13 Mar 2020
  • The New York Times Crossword - Tuesday, 25 Dec 2018
  • The New York Times Crossword - Monday, 17 Dec 2018
  • The New York Times Crossword - Tuesday, 9 Jan 2018
  • The New York Times Crossword - Saturday, 18 Nov 2017

Crossword Answers

3 letters

The part you are expected to play; "he held up his end"

Command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans"

A decree that prohibits something

4 letters

Destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined

An interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement; "a halt in the arms race"; "a nuclear freeze"

A vote that blocks a decision

The destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile; "the pilot reported two kills during the mission"

A brief stay in the course of a journey; "they made a stopover to visit their friends"

5 letters

Having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview"


6 letters

Joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee

Of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language; "Scots Gaelic"; "the Scots community in New York"; "`Scottish' tends to be the more formal term as in `The Scottish Symphony' or `Scottish authors' or `Scottish mountains'"; "`Scotch' is in disfavor with Scottish people and is used primarily outside Scotland except in such frozen phrases as `Scotch broth' or `Scotch whiskey' or `Scotch plaid'"




8 letters

Reduce the incidence or severity of or stop; "suppress a yawn"; "this drug can suppress the hemorrhage"