Crossword Clue and Answers
Looking for answers to the "Self-assertive" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 7 crossword solutions for Self-assertive.
We deem Self-assertive to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.
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Crossword Answers
5 letters
Marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative; "an aggressive young executive"; "a pushful insurance agent"
Offensively bold; "a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club"; "a nervy thing to say"
Characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness; "buoyant spirits"; "his quick wit and chirpy humor"; "looking bright and well and chirpy"; "a perky little widow in her 70s"
9 letters
Aggressively self-assured; "an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue"; "pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act"
Offensively self-assertive
13 letters