Set of beliefs
Crossword Clue and Answers
Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "Set of beliefs", we have 11 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.
This clue in was most recently seen in the wild in The Guardian Quick.
We classify Set of beliefs to be a VERY COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it more than 11 times in a variety of crossword publications.
Hopefully we have helped you solve Set of beliefs, if you have a moment we'd love to see you join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.
- The Guardian Quick - Tuesday, 30 Mar 2021
- The Sun Cryptic - Tuesday, 12 Jan 2021
- The Mirror Classic - Tuesday, 15 Dec 2020
- The Mirror Classic - Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020
- The Mirror Classic - Sunday, 18 Oct 2020
- The Mirror Classic - Wednesday, 23 Sep 2020
- The Mirror Classic - Wednesday, 2 Sep 2020
Crossword Answers
2 letters
5 letters
The principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group; "the Puritan ethic"; "a person with old-fashioned values"
(anthropology) the distinctive spirit of a culture or an era; "the Greek ethos"
A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
Any system of principles or beliefs
Any system of principles or beliefs
A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
6 letters
8 letters
A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school
Imaginary or visionary theorization