Crossword Clue and Answers
Looking for answers to the "*singly" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 14 crossword solutions for *singly.
We deem *singly to be a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.
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Crossword Answers
3 letters
4 letters
(used of count nouns) every one considered individually; "each person is mortal"; "each party is welcome"
As soon as; "once we are home, we can rest"
5 letters
Without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"
6 letters
Without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"
To or from every one of two or more (considered individually); "they received $10 each"
8 letters
One piece at a time; "she sold the plates by the piece"
9 letters
In the order given; "the brothers were called Felix and Max, respectively"
10 letters
Apart from others; "taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "the fine points are treated singly"
In single file; "the prisoners came out one by one"
12 letters
Apart from others; "taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "the fine points are treated singly"
19 letters
Apart from others; "taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "the fine points are treated singly"