Social class
Crossword Clue and Answers
Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "Social class", we have 5 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.
This clue in was most recently seen in the wild in Irish Independent - Simple.
We classify Social class to be a COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it included in several crossword publications.
Hopefully we have helped you solve Social class, if you have a moment we'd love to see you join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.
- Irish Independent - Simple - Tuesday, 26 Oct 2021
- The New York Times Mini - Tuesday, 22 Dec 2020
- USA Today - Monday, 24 Aug 2020
- The Guardian Speedy - Sunday, 5 May 2019
- The Guardian Speedy - Sunday, 3 Jul 2016
Crossword Answers
4 letters
The body of members of an organization or group; "they polled their membership"; "they found dissension in their own ranks"; "he joined the ranks of the unemployed"
5 letters
A social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth
Education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings; "he took a course in basket weaving"; "flirting is not unknown in college classes"
7 letters
An abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"
18 letters