Solicit brazenly
Crossword Clue and Answers

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Crossword Answers

3 letters

FAN Surinder Sobti
A device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces

4 letters

HAWK Surinder Sobti
Diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail

BUFF Surinder Sobti
A medium to dark tan color

BACK Surinder Sobti
A support that you can lean against while sitting; "the back of the dental chair was adjustable"

TOUT Surinder Sobti
One who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)

SELL Surinder Sobti
The activity of persuading someone to buy; "it was a hard sell"

PUSH Surinder Sobti
An effort to advance; "the army made a push toward the sea"

SPIV Surinder Sobti
A person without employment who makes money by various dubious schemes; goes about smartly dressed and having a good time

PUFF Surinder Sobti
Forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; "he gave his nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"

PLUG Surinder Sobti
Make a plug for; praise the qualities or in order to sell or promote

LAUD Surinder Sobti
Praise, glorify, or honor; "extol the virtues of one's children"; "glorify one's spouse's cooking"

HYPE Surinder Sobti
Blatant or sensational promotion

5 letters

WATCH Surinder Sobti
A purposeful surveillance to guard or observe

RADIO Surinder Sobti
An electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals

SHARP Surinder Sobti
Quick and forceful; "a sharp blow"

VIGIL Surinder Sobti
A purposeful surveillance to guard or observe

SPORT Surinder Sobti
Someone who engages in sports

URGER Surinder Sobti

PRESS Surinder Sobti
A weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead

CRYUP Surinder Sobti

BOOST Surinder Sobti
The act of giving hope or support to someone

PIKER Surinder Sobti

6 letters

TOUTER Surinder Sobti
Someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way

TELLER Surinder Sobti
Someone who tells a story

SOURCE Surinder Sobti
A facility where something is available

ROOTER Surinder Sobti
An enthusiastic devotee of sports

PUNTER Surinder Sobti
Someone who bets

PUFFER Surinder Sobti
Any of numerous marine fishes whose elongated spiny body can inflate itself with water or air to form a globe; several species contain a potent nerve poison; closely related to spiny puffers

PRAISE Surinder Sobti
Offering words of homage as an act of worship; "they sang a hymn of praise to God"

PLAYER Surinder Sobti
A theatrical performer

PEDDLE Surinder Sobti
Sell or offer for sale from place to place

OVERDO Surinder Sobti
Do something to an excessive degree; "He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups"

LAUDER Surinder Sobti
Someone who communicates high praise

HERALD Surinder Sobti
Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

HAWKER Surinder Sobti
Someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)

BETTOR Surinder Sobti
Someone who bets

BARKER Surinder Sobti
Informal terms for dogs

7 letters

WITNESS Surinder Sobti
Testimony by word or deed to your religious faith

TALKBIG Surinder Sobti

SUPPORT Surinder Sobti
Documentary validation; "his documentation of the results was excellent"; "the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones"

WAGERER Surinder Sobti
Someone who bets

TRUMPET Surinder Sobti
A brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves

TIPSTER Surinder Sobti
One who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)

TINHORN Surinder Sobti

STRETCH Surinder Sobti
Increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance; "stretch the soup by adding some more cream"; "extend the casserole with a little rice"

SOLICIT Surinder Sobti
Approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in the park"

SHARPER Surinder Sobti
A professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games

SPIELER Surinder Sobti

PROMOTE Surinder Sobti
Change a pawn for a better piece by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it to the row closest to your opponent

PRAISER Surinder Sobti

PLUNGER Surinder Sobti
Hand tool consisting of a stick with a rubber suction cup at one end; used to clean clogged drains

SHARPIE Surinder Sobti
A shallow-draft sailboat with a sharp prow, flat bottom, and triangular sail; formerly used along the northern Atlantic coast of the United States

PLUGGER Surinder Sobti
Someone who is an active supporter and advocate

MONITOR Surinder Sobti
Any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa and Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles

MAGNIFY Surinder Sobti
To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"

LAYITON Surinder Sobti

LOOKOUT Surinder Sobti
The act of looking out

GAMBLER Surinder Sobti
Someone who risks loss or injury in the hope of gain or excitement

COMMEND Surinder Sobti
Present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence; "His paintings commend him to the artistic world"

CHANNEL Surinder Sobti
A way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors; "possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores"

CANVASS Surinder Sobti
A tent made of canvas fabric

BUILDUP Surinder Sobti
The act of building up an accumulation; "I envied his rapid buildup of assets"; "a military buildup in preparation for the invasion"

BOOSTER Surinder Sobti
An additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective

ACCLAIM Surinder Sobti
Enthusiastic approval; "the book met with modest acclaim"; "he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd"; "they gave him more eclat than he really deserved"

AMPLIFY Surinder Sobti
To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"

ADVISOR Surinder Sobti
An expert who gives advice; "an adviser helped students select their courses"; "the United States sent military advisors to Guatemala"

8 letters

VENTURER Surinder Sobti
A person who enjoys taking risks

TRAVESTY Surinder Sobti
A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way

PROMOTER Surinder Sobti
Someone who is an active supporter and advocate

REPORTER Surinder Sobti
A person who investigates and reports or edits news stories

PROCLAIM Surinder Sobti
Declare formally; declare someone to be something; of titles; "He was proclaimed King"

PITCHMAN Surinder Sobti
An aggressive salesman who uses a fast line of talk to sell something

PILEUPON Surinder Sobti

PILEITON Surinder Sobti

OVERSELL Surinder Sobti

OVERDRAW Surinder Sobti
To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"

NOTIFIER Surinder Sobti

INFORMER Surinder Sobti
One who reveals confidential information in return for money

HAZARDER Surinder Sobti

GAMESTER Surinder Sobti

EXTOLLER Surinder Sobti
Someone who communicates high praise

EULOGIST Surinder Sobti
An orator who delivers eulogies or panegyrics

DOPESTER Surinder Sobti

CLAQUEUR Surinder Sobti

BALLYHOO Surinder Sobti
Blatant or sensational promotion

ADVOCATE Surinder Sobti
A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea

ADHERENT Surinder Sobti
Sticking fast

9 letters

SPORTSMAN Surinder Sobti
Someone who engages in sports

SPOKESMAN Surinder Sobti
A male spokesperson

SOLICITOR Surinder Sobti
A petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes

RECOMMAND Surinder Sobti

PUBLISHER Surinder Sobti
A person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music

PUBLICIZE Surinder Sobti
Make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"

PUBLICISE Surinder Sobti
Make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare"

OVERSTATE Surinder Sobti
To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"

OVERSPEAK Surinder Sobti

OVERREACT Surinder Sobti
Show an exaggerated response to something; "Don't overreact to the bad news--take it easy"

OVERREACH Surinder Sobti
Beat through cleverness and wit; "I beat the traffic"; "She outfoxed her competitors"

INFORMANT Surinder Sobti
A person who supplies information

GRAPEVINE Surinder Sobti
Gossip spread by spoken communication; "the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth"


Contributor Photo - Surinder SobtiSurinder Sobti