Temporary substitute
Crossword Clue and Answers
Looking for answers to the "Temporary substitute" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 5 crossword solutions for Temporary substitute.
We most recently saw this clue in The Daily Mail Quick.
We deem Temporary substitute to be a UNCOMMON crossword clue as we have not seen it regularly in many crossword publications.
If you have a moment we'd love for you to join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.
- The Daily Mail Quick - Friday, 21 Feb 2020
- The Guardian Speedy - Sunday, 12 May 2019
Crossword Answers
5 letters
Someone (physician or clergyman) who substitutes temporarily for another member of the same profession
7 letters
Be a substitute; "The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague"; "The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet"
Something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
9 letters
Something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency