To the point
Crossword Clue and Answers
Let's see if we can help you solve the crossword puzzle "To the point", we have 42 possible answers for this crossword clue, so hopefully we can assist you.
This clue in was most recently seen in the wild in The Guardian Quick.
We classify To the point to be a VERY COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it more than 42 times in a variety of crossword publications.
Hopefully we have helped you solve To the point, if you have a moment we'd love to see you join our growing crossword community and contribute some answers of your own.
- The Guardian Quick - Thursday, 28 Jan 2021
- The Guardian Quick - Monday, 25 Jan 2021
- The New York Times Crossword - Saturday, 1 Feb 2020
- The New York Times Crossword - Sunday, 26 Jan 2020
- The New York Times Crossword - Sunday, 22 Sep 2019
- The New York Times Crossword - Friday, 11 May 2018
- The New York Times Crossword - Wednesday, 28 Feb 2018
- The New York Times Crossword - Saturday, 3 Jun 2017
- The New York Times Crossword - Sunday, 5 Mar 2017
Crossword Answers
3 letters
A light touch or stroke
Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"
4 letters
Brief and to the point; effectively cut short; "a crisp retort"; "a response so curt as to be almost rude"; "the laconic reply; `yes'"; "short and terse and easy to understand"
5 letters
Used of a knife or other blade; not sharp; "a blunt instrument"
Brief and to the point; effectively cut short; "a crisp retort"; "a response so curt as to be almost rude"; "the laconic reply; `yes'"; "short and terse and easy to understand"
A condensed written summary or abstract
Make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in; "The dress got wrinkled"; "crease the paper like this to make a crane"
Concise and full of meaning; "welcomed her pithy comments"; "the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen
6 letters
Put an address on (an envelope)
7 letters
Brief and to the point; effectively cut short; "a crisp retort"; "a response so curt as to be almost rude"; "the laconic reply; `yes'"; "short and terse and easy to understand"
Of an appropriate or pertinent nature
Relevant and appropriate; "he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue"
Expressing much in few words; "a concise explanation"
8 letters
Briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject"
Having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research"
9 letters
Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"
10 letters
11 letters
In a pertinent way; "what is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently"
13 letters
Dealt with very quickly; to the point; "the conference was short and sweet"; "make your statement short and sweet"