Crossword Clue and Answers

Looking for answers to the "Uneasy" crossword clue? it's your lucky day, we have them! Today we have 100 crossword solutions for Uneasy.

We most recently saw this clue in Irish Independent - Simple.

We deem Uneasy to be a COMMON crossword clue as we've seen it included in several crossword publications.

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  • Irish Independent - Simple - Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020
  • Irish Independent - Simple - Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020
  • Irish Independent - Simple - Monday, 10 Aug 2020
  • Irish Independent - Simple - Saturday, 22 Feb 2020
  • The New York Times Crossword - Sunday, 30 Jul 2017

Crossword Answers

2 letters

NY Surinder Sobti
A Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies

3 letters

ILL Surinder Sobti
Presaging ill fortune; "ill omens"; "ill predictions"; "my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven"- P.B.Shelley; "a dead and ominous silence prevailed"; "a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government"

4 letters

Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; "ghastly wounds"; "the grim aftermath of the bombing"; "the grim task of burying the victims"; "a grisly murder"; "gruesome evidence of human sacrifice"; "macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages"; "macabre tortures conceived by madmen"

Food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables

A strong restless desire; "why this urge to travel?"

Being in a tense state

5 letters

Nervous and unable to relax; "a constant fretful stamping of hooves"; "a restless child"

Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

EERIE Surinder Sobti
Suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious; "an eerie feeling of deja vu"

CHARY Surinder Sobti
Characterized by great caution and wariness; "a cagey avoidance of a definite answer"; "chary of the risks involved"; "a chary investor"

SHAKY Surinder Sobti
Not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage"

JUMPY Surinder Sobti
Being in a tense state

WRUNG Surinder Sobti

VEXED Surinder Sobti
Causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution; much disputed; "the vexed issue of priorities"; "we live in vexed and troubled times"

TENSE Surinder Sobti
A grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time

UPSET Surinder Sobti
An improbable and unexpected victory; "the biggest upset since David beat Goliath"

QUEER Surinder Sobti
Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior"

STIFF Surinder Sobti
The dead body of a human being; "the cadaver was intended for dissection"; "the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse"; "the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river"; "honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay"

6 letters

AFRAID Surinder Sobti
Feeling worry or concern or insecurity; "She was afraid that I might be embarrassed"; "terribly afraid of offending someone"; "I am afraid we have witnessed only the first phase of the conflict"

SHAKEN Surinder Sobti
Disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock; "retrieved his named from her jolted memory"; "the accident left her badly shaken"

FORCED Surinder Sobti
Made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency; "a forced landing"

FORMAL Surinder Sobti
A gown for evening wear

CLUMSY Surinder Sobti
Showing lack of skill or aptitude; "a bungling workman"; "did a clumsy job"; "his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf"

CARING Surinder Sobti
A loving feeling

UNWELL Surinder Sobti
Somewhat ill or prone to illness; "my poor ailing grandmother"; "feeling a bit indisposed today"; "you look a little peaked"; "feeling poorly"; "a sickly child"; "is unwell and can't come to work"


Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit

7 letters

Characterized by unrest or disorder; "unquiet days of riots"; "following the assassination of Martin Luter King ours was an unquiet nation"; "spent an unquiet night tossing and turning"

Characterized by jerky movements; "a jittery ride"

Socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner; "awkward and reserved at parties"; "ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"; "was always uneasy with strangers"

Eagerly desirous; "anxious to see the new show at the museum"; "dying to hear who won"

Easily agitated; "a nervous addict"; "a nervous thoroughbred"

Impatient especially under restriction or delay; "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive"

FIDGETY Surinder Sobti
Nervous and unable to relax; "a constant fretful stamping of hooves"; "a restless child"

UPTIGHT Surinder Sobti
Being in a tense state

PEEVISH Surinder Sobti
Easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"

FRETFUL Surinder Sobti
Habitually complaining; "a whiny child"

FEARFUL Surinder Sobti
Timid by nature or revealing timidity; "timorous little mouse"; "in a timorous tone"; "cast fearful glances at the large dog"

WORRIED Surinder Sobti
Mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; "apprehensive about her job"; "not used to a city and worried about small things"; "felt apprehensive about the consequences"

ALARMED Surinder Sobti
Experiencing a sudden sense of danger

CAREFUL Surinder Sobti
Mindful of the future in spending money; "careful with money"

8 letters

BOTHERED Surinder Sobti
Caused to show discomposure; "refused to be fazed by the objections"

DISMAYED Surinder Sobti
Struck with fear, dread, or consternation

WORRYING Surinder Sobti
The act of moving something by repeated tugs or pushes; "vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw"

TROUBLED Surinder Sobti
Characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination; "effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive"; "riotous times"; "these troubled areas"; "the tumultuous years of his administration"; "a turbulent and unruly childhood"

DOUBTFUL Surinder Sobti
Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; "they were doubtful that the cord would hold"; "it was doubtful whether she would be admitted"; "dubious about agreeing to go"

HARASSED Surinder Sobti
Troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; "harassed working mothers"; "a harried expression"; "her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions"; "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager"

DOUBTING Surinder Sobti
Marked by or given to doubt; "a skeptical attitude"; "a skeptical listener"

ALARMING Surinder Sobti
Frightening because of an awareness of danger

FEARSOME Surinder Sobti
Causing fear or dread or terror; "the awful war"; "an awful risk"; "dire news"; "a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked"; "the dread presence of the headmaster"; "polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was"; "a dreadful storm"; "a fearful howling"; "horrendous explosions shook the city"; "a terrible curse"

UNRESTED Surinder Sobti
Not rested or refreshed;

AGITATED Surinder Sobti
Troubled emotionally and usually deeply; "agitated parents"

STRAINED Surinder Sobti
Struggling for effect; "agonistic poses"

STRESSED Surinder Sobti
Bearing a stress or accent; "an iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in `delay'"

INSECURE Surinder Sobti
Lacking self-confidence or assurance; "an insecure person lacking mental stability"

FEARLESS Surinder Sobti
Oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them

UNSTABLE Surinder Sobti
Disposed to psychological variability; "his rather unstable religious convictions"

Worried and uneasy

9 letters

Socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner; "awkward and reserved at parties"; "ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"; "was always uneasy with strangers"

Thrown into a state of agitated confusion; (`rattled' is an informal term)

Having the place or position changed; "the disturbed books and papers on her desk"; "disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed"

PALPITANT Surinder Sobti
Having a slight and rapid trembling motion; "palpitant movements rather than violent eruptions"; "my palpitating heart"

INTURMOIL Surinder Sobti

ALLNERVES Surinder Sobti

REGRETFUL Surinder Sobti
Feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"; "he felt bad about breaking the vase"

PERPLEXED Surinder Sobti
Full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; "perplexed language"; "perplexed state of the world"

UNSETTLED Surinder Sobti
Not settled or established; "an unsettled lifestyle"

STRESSFUL Surinder Sobti
Extremely irritating to the nerves; "nerve-racking noise"; "the stressful days before a war"; "a trying day at the office"

ANGUISHED Surinder Sobti
Experiencing intense pain especially mental pain; "an anguished conscience"; "a small tormented schoolboy"; "a tortured witness to another's humiliation"

UNREVISED Surinder Sobti
Not improved or brought up to date; "the book is still unrevised"

EXCITABLE Surinder Sobti
Easily excited

EXHAUSTED Surinder Sobti
Drained physically; "the day's events left her completely exhausted--her strength drained"

EMOTIONAL Surinder Sobti
(of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise"

CONCERNED Surinder Sobti
Feeling or showing worry or solicitude; "concerned parents of youthful offenders"; "was concerned about the future"; "we feel concerned about accomplishing the task at hand"; "greatly concerned not to disappoint a small child"

IRRITABLE Surinder Sobti
Easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"

IRASCIBLE Surinder Sobti
Characterized by anger; "a choleric outburst"; "an irascible response"

IMPATIENT Surinder Sobti
(usually followed by `to') full of eagerness; "impatient to begin"; "raring to go"

TORMENTED Surinder Sobti
Experiencing intense pain especially mental pain; "an anguished conscience"; "a small tormented schoolboy"; "a tortured witness to another's humiliation"

UPSETTING Surinder Sobti
Causing an emotional disturbance; "his disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly"- Herb Caen; "an upsetting experience"

10 letters

BOTHERSOME Surinder Sobti
Causing irritation or annoyance; "tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork"; "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport"; "found it galling to have to ask permission"; "an irritating delay"; "nettlesome paperwork"; "a pesky mosquito"; "swarms of pestering gnats"; "a plaguey newfangled safety catch"; "a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him"; "a vexatious child"; "it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong"

SUSPICIOUS Surinder Sobti
Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

DISQUIETED Surinder Sobti
Afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; "too upset to say anything"; "spent many disquieted moments"; "distressed about her son's leaving home"; "lapsed into disturbed sleep"; "worried parents"; "a worried frown"; "one last worried check of the sleeping children"

UNREVEALED Surinder Sobti
Not made known

UNREWARDED Surinder Sobti
Having acquired or gained nothing; "the returned from the negotiations empty-handed"

SCRUPULOUS Surinder Sobti
Characterized by extreme care and great effort; "conscientious application to the work at hand"; "painstaking research"; "scrupulous attention to details"

IRRITATIVE Surinder Sobti
(used of physical stimuli) serving to stimulate or excite; "an irritative agent"

NOTCONTENT Surinder Sobti

SOLICITOUS Surinder Sobti
Showing hovering attentiveness; "solicitous about her health"; "made solicitous inquiries about our family"

PRECARIOUS Surinder Sobti
Not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage"

UNRHYTHMIC Surinder Sobti
Not rhythmic; irregular in beat or accent

11 letters

UNRIGHTEOUS Surinder Sobti
Not righteous; "an unrighteous man"; "an unrighteous law"

DISTRUSTFUL Surinder Sobti
Having or showing distrust; "a man of distrustful nature"; "my experience...in other fields of law has made me distrustful of rules of thumb generally"- B.N.Cardozo; "vigilant and distrustful superintendence"- Thomas Jefferson

REGRETTABLE Surinder Sobti
Deserving regret; "regrettable remarks"; "it's regrettable that she didn't go to college"; "it's too bad he had no feeling himself for church"

OVERWROUGHT Surinder Sobti
Deeply agitated especially from emotion; "distraught with grief"

UNRETENTIVE Surinder Sobti
(of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range; "a short memory"

TENSIONLESS Surinder Sobti
Free from tension

FRUSTRATIVE Surinder Sobti
Preventing realization or attainment of a desire

UNREWARDING Surinder Sobti
Not rewarding; not providing personal satisfaction

DISCOMPOSED Surinder Sobti
Having your composure disturbed; "looked about with a wandering and discomposed air"


Contributor Photo - Surinder SobtiSurinder Sobti